Problem I am solving -
Wait for N or Multiple or Unknown number (Depends on some logic) of ajax request using JQuery to complete, i.e.
$.when(N ajax request).then(do something)
Lets take a look at easier version of the problem, what if we want to wait for only two calls
Well that was easy, so what... huh
What if you wana wait for n number of calls ? You cannot do $.when(call1, call2, ....., calln).then...
Lets take a look at a use case -
Lets say there is an array of ids and for each id in the array, we gota make a call and when all the data is loaded, we want to show a big red BLINK.
Here is how we gona do this -
Wait for N or Multiple or Unknown number (Depends on some logic) of ajax request using JQuery to complete, i.e.
$.when(N ajax request).then(do something)
Lets take a look at easier version of the problem, what if we want to wait for only two calls
Well that was easy, so what... huh
What if you wana wait for n number of calls ? You cannot do $.when(call1, call2, ....., calln).then...
Lets take a look at a use case -
Lets say there is an array of ids and for each id in the array, we gota make a call and when all the data is loaded, we want to show a big red BLINK.
Here is how we gona do this -